Maintaining Good Eye Health is Easier Than You Think
In the fast-paced world we all live in, too often it feels like we don't have enough time to take care of our health the way we would like to. But making time to take care of some very important parts of your body isn't nearly as difficult as you mig...
Read MoreProtect your eyes from snowblindness
Credit: Findlaycreekeyeclinic.caCredit: | Link ⟩...
Read MoreFighting Presbyopia with Eye Exercises
Are you noticing that you need to hold your phone a little farther to be able to read text properly? Well, you’re not alone. Thousands of people in their mid-40s begin to notice this annoying change in their vision, called presbyopia, which is actu...
Read MoreEarly Signs of a Detached Retina
Most people have some understanding of the important role the retina plays in their eye sight. If you think of your eye as a camera, your retina is like the film - it's where the eye creates the images and visuals of our world. With that image in mi...
Read MoreHealthy Vision for Our Community
As we celebrate healthy vision month, it is time to remember how important it is to keep an “eye” on our eyes. While most people go to their physicians or dentists on a regular basis, visits to eye specialists such as the Beach Eye Medical Group ...
There are many silent diseases like glaucoma and diabetes which can only be detected through a regular eye exam. If these conditions are discovered earlier rather than later they are much easier to manage and treat which may allow for better preserva...
Read MoreTreating Conjunctivitis
With kids back in school, one of the most common eye conditions parents have to watch for is Pinkeye or conjunctivitis. While Pinkeye is one of the most common eye conditions for both children and adults, it also one of the most treatable. Pinkeye i...
Read MoreChild Eye Tests
Your child's first eye exam can be a little confusing, a little daunting and a real adventure. While it might seem obvious to some, exactly who to set up an appointment with for your child first exam can be a little blurry. Is it the optician? Or is ...
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