Blog: Tips for Identifying Your Eye and Other Medications

Tips for Identifying Your Eye and Other Medications

October 30, 2020

It is important that you have a safe and effective way to organize and recognize your medications. A good system will help you remember what medicines you take, ensure the dosages are correct and at what time you should take them. This also includes medicines that you may have bought without a prescription.

A key step in the proper management of your medications is identification. Follow these six tips to identify your medicines more easily:

  1. Ask your pharmacist to print an additional label with bigger letters. This will ensure that you can read it without difficulty. Paste the label on the bottle that corresponds to each medication.
  2. Mark the vials of medicines so you know which ones to take. Place dots on the label that you can feel with your fingers. You can also use colored elastic bands or name them in Braille, if you’re able to read it.
  3. If these options do not suit you, you can use medications with audio.
  4. Place the pills in different color trays so that you can see them.
  5. Shine a lamp or flashlight on the labels you are trying to read.
  6. Have a magnifying glass or device on hand to read the labels.
  7. Place daily dose trackers in the vials of the medicine. These will help you remember if you have already taken the dose of that day. You can ask your ophthalmologist or pharmacist where to get these gadgets.




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